Quantic School of Business and Technology EMBA

I am finally done with my RES exam! Sadly I dont think I will pass both papers. 2 weeks of studying is enough if you dont have to deal with 2 kids to deal with on a daily basis. πŸ˜…It will be a bonus if I pass at least 1 of it so there will be less to study in the next exam slot. 

In my previous post, I mentioned that I did an online EMBA back in 2019 and graduated in 2020. Back then, it was known as Smartly Institute. I guessed they realize it is a pretty cheesy name, and changed it to a more professional sounding name Quantic School of Business and Technology.

You can see the reasons why I decided to go with this online school despite the seemingly lack of value in it. The number 1 red flag for most people was the lack of accreditation back then. Not sure if you remember that there was a saga about "foreign talents" working in government related companies with degrees from degree mills? I did a check, and indeed it was without accreditation so it is considered a degree mill, but I went with it anyway.πŸ˜….  It was really more for interest then anything else. 

Credits to Mothership

In anycase, the school eventually achieved accreditation with DEAC and shook off the degree mill image. Did it make any difference to me? I dont think so but I think if you are in the US, it will. Did it help me in my career? I think in some ways, it does. 

1. The hiring manager in my previous company was someone who is pretty avant garde in thinking and likes people who are constantly upgrading themselves. During the interview, he asked about the EMBA, so I told him it's "only" an online school and I took it for my own interest. He was impressed by that and told me not to belittle myself for having an EMBA from "only" an online school. 

2.. What I learnt in the EMBA certainly helped me in my career as a project manager in the last 3 years of my career. As I was an engineer by trade, profits, revenues, lost and all those money terms dont come 2nd nature to me. 

With regards to the lack of networking opportunities which is what those expensive EMBAs are about, there are more graduates from the school now so networking is definitely possible though I have never went to any. haha.  If you look at the advertising material from the school, it is extremely impressive.  For every batch, there will be a poster made to show case the diversity and profiles of students. What unis are they from, what companies are they working for, so on and so forth. In that sense, Quantic definitely did a good job in selling themselves.

The style of learning suits the young people nowadays. You can study from your mobile devices. Thus, you can study everywhere at your own pace though there are some gates that you have to adhere to in terms of completing tests, exams and final projects.  They also try to inject humor into the course material to make it less dry, but I do find that the contents seem to be too easy for an EMBA. 

4 of my ex colleagues have also recently graduated from the school. They seem to have enjoy the learning process as well.  If you are someone like me and have some free time on your hand, and always wanted to do an EMBA, perhaps give this a try before going for 1 that is more than 50k? The MBA is totally free but with some conditions I think. Fees for the EMBA is less than 5k SGD as they will provide "scholarship". 

Will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the course.


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