2022 Jul Update

Portfolio Value

As of 31st of July, portfolio value is around 1.24M SGD.  Compared to the previous round of update just days ago, it went down by 6.5k. If I am allowed a portfolio ex Alibaba comparison, value would have increased by close to 13k.  What this means is Alibaba really went to shit within a week after back to back negative news, and Alibaba is a big chunk of my portfolio. Such is life of an Alibaba investor nowadays. It's like speculating on Crypto. The next 2 big news would be whether or not the result is really that bad(Sell on rumor, buy on news?!) and whether or not Pelosi is really going to visit Taiwan and what is China going to do about it.  Alibaba bulls, where are you? Will you add more Alibaba now? Or will you start divesting? 


Dividend wise, it's not bad at all. After the first week of financial reporting, 12.3k SGD will be in the bag. Still on track to hit 60k by the end of the year.  The blue line on extreme right represents year 2022 to date. I started tracking my dividend in year 2014. 


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