And so a new ERA begins!

I have applied for my Real Estate Salesperson license and currently waiting for approval from CEA It will take around 2-4 weeks I was told. Met up with my manager, interesting enough I was his manager in the previous company. 

I sat through 4 hrs of talking session with him basically just going through the basics, the who and who of the organization and team and of coz the basics of selling properties. It helps that he is a friend, thus it makes the conversation very enjoyable with a lot of laughter and also it's something that I am interested in. Cant imagine having to sit through a 4 hrs meeting in the past.

Here's to the start of a new ERA for myself. This is what they say about FIRE. It doesn't mean you stop working entirely. It gives you the flexibility in life to choose what you want to do since you have the FU money.


  1. I’m curious.. what essential tips were u given for this new job?

    1. It's mostly marketing, negotiation and closing deals. What the agencies can also provide are historical datas and past transactions that will help in the discussion. I am so new, what i do not know, I do not know. haha.

  2. Congrats!! May u enjoy your new found hobby! Always a motivation and a goal to someone seeking me, lol


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